About CBIU

This is a new concept in mass education. It is a new movement that aims at using the educational faculty from the world leading country (UK) for the education of people over the world. The curriculum is based on the British education system. It is a quality education based on the English educational system and delivered within each country’s local environment. It is the exploitation of tourism and new technology (online) in education. It is a seminar-based educational movement. People study online. At intervals, students congregate at holiday heaven for reviews and study.

The resources (book & study materials) and faculty will be mainly British. Use is made of local resources as an input to teaching etc. The best of the two countries will be employed to execute the most acceptable standards in education.

The University will be the hub centre of international education. A number of foreign countries are establishing the International College of Science & Technology as part of the university. The annual convention will be held at the University site. Leading academics will be invited to present papers on international education, international and scientific research and the current status of world technology.

The University is developing centres, schools and divisions. But the following divisions are being established to help in the national and manpower development and job creation in the country. These include:-

  1. Centre for Vocational Education – to aim at skills acquisition.  It will be a competency based educational system.
  2. Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies – to aim at developing entrepreneurs and hasten job creation.
  3. Institute for local Government Administration – for Professional development of local government workers and administrators. There will be a school of local Government Administration.
  4. Institute of Child Care & Education – for professional development of people engaged in children care and education.                  

The institute aims at grass root development. A professional body for Local Government Administration is being formed. It will design courses, award qualifications and create elites whose members will recognise as chartered professionals as in accountancy, law, surveyors etc. It is the first of its kind in the world. It is envisaged that other countries would send their local government workers to train and acquire skills and qualifications at the place the University is sited.

The institute will organise its own seminars etc, on yearly basis. It is envisaged that the site of the University will be an international nerve centre for knowledge, skills and competency acquisition and professional development.

The Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies aims at job creation and the empowerment of local young and older persons at wealth creation. It will give training on Small Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

The Institute of Children Care and Education will aim at developing a professional body in child care. This is a membership body awarding its own certificates. Members will have professional letters after their names. Members will be able to describe themselves as a specialist in Children Education.

Professor Charles Anyanwu
London 15 February 2019